The Deal
Control TypeRRPSale PriceSavingRUBICON 9000 RA36.5X35$775,500$707,000$68,500RUBICON 6500 RA36.5X35$697,000$635,500$61,500
For more information:
Scott Allen 0475 943 338 Email: scott@centralagequipment.com.au
Vaughan Habner 0427 873 075 Email: vaughan@cumminsag.com.au vaughan@cumminsag.com.au
Mark Dickinson 0427 641 435 Email: mark@cumminsag.com.au
Jarrad Manners 0438 994 612 Email: jarrad@cumminsag.com.au
The RUBICON establishes a new class in self-propelled sprayers, designed to meet the productivity demands of large scale Australian farmers. The seamless integration of capacity and width delivers acre eating performance to conquer everyday spraying tasks with ease and ahead of time.
RUBICON delivers beyond expectation with:
• 6500L or 9000L payload • Front mounted 36.5 to 48.5 m booms • Unrivalled visibility from a 3.4 m high vantage point • Road speed 50km/h (max) • Spray speed 35km/h (max) • 330 or 370hp Cummins engine • Low noise level • Ride beyond expectation • Excellent boom stability and much, much more…
Likewise by increasing the boom width you improve the work rate, which is what matters most when timing is all important. A 48.5 m boom width represents a 35% increase in work rate over a comparable 36 m boom.
RUBICON with a 48.5 m boom at 35 km/hr can deliver a work rate of 170 ha/hr. Keeping the nozzles at the correct height above the target, across the full width of the boom in all operating conditions, present little effort for RUBICON, but is vitally important for good application and performance. The boom suspension, auto height and stability control systems allow you to lower the boom while protecting it from ground contact. Lowering the boom reduces spray drift and delivers better application, which gives peace of mind, especially at higher spraying speeds.
It’s never been easier to spray more area thanks to the combination of 9000 litres capacity and 48.5 m booms.
HARDI Rubicon
Price AUD
See above